What is depression?

Depression is a loss of interest and feeling sadness, that gets in the way of your daily activities. We all sometimes feel sad or depressed, but some people experience these feelings for extended periods of time (weeks, months, even years), sometimes for no apparent reason at all.

Depression is a serious medical condition that affects not only depression, but also physical and mental health. Depression is a serious medical condition that affects both physical and mental health.

Depression causes

There can be many causes of depression. They can range from biological to contextual.

Here are some of the causes;

  1. Life events

Research shows that persistent problems such as long-term unemployment, violent or apathetic relationships, prolonged isolation or loneliness, and stress at work can increase the risk of depression.

  • Personality

People with certain personality traits, such as low self-esteem, are more likely to get depression. This could be due to genes inherited from parents, first life experiences, or both.

  • Medical conditions

Constant physical pain and illness can lead to depression. People often suffer from depression, as well as diseases such as diabetes, cancer and Parkinson’s disease.

  • Lifestyle risk factors

There are also various lifestyle factors that can affect your mental health and cause depression. There are many risk factors for depression, that cannot be changed such as gender and family history, but a human has totally control over his lifestyle.

  • Brain chemistry

Neurotransmitters are natural brain chemicals that have been linked to depression. Recent research has shown that altering the function and effects of these neurotransmitters and their interactions with nerve circuits involved in maintaining mood stability may play an important role in depression and its treatment.

  • Drug and alcohol use

Drug and alcohol use can and can lead to depression. More than 500,000 Australians suffer from depression and substance abuse.

Treatment for depression

Depression is not going to get away on its own. In fact, if neglected, depression can last for months, sometimes even years, and can affect your life negatively. People need to find a suitable treatment for them. Finding an effective treatment may take time and patience.

Here are some of the ways to tackle depression;

  1. Psychotherapy

Talking to a therapist can help you learn techniques for dealing with negative emotions. You can also benefit from family or group therapy courses. Bright Beginnings Counseling is a platform from where you can get advice or therapy from experts.

Some therapies teach practical skills to rethink negative thoughts and use behavioral skills to combat depression. It will help you understand why you are experiencing certain emotions, what causes depression, and what you should do to stay healthy.

  • Nutrition

Proper nutrition is important for healthy physical and mental health. Small, balanced meals throughout the day can help conserve energy and reduce mood swings. You may be attracted to sugary foods for a quick increase in food intake, but complex carbohydrates are the best choice. They will help you walk too fast without losing sugar.

  • Social support

Strong social support help in reducing isolation, which is a major risk factor for depression. Keep in touch with friends and family regularly, and attend classes or groups. Volunteering is a great way to help yourself and get social support to help others.

  • Stress reduction

Make changes in your life to cope with stress and reduce it. Find ways to eliminate and reduce the impact of stressful aspects of your life, such as overwork and unsupported relationships.


Depression is a serious mood and mental health disorder that makes people feel sad. People suffering from depression often describe how worst the experience can be. When this happens, debilitating depression can always make a person feel depressed. It can also lead to feelings of worthlessness, guilt, and inability to enjoy the activities your daily life activities.

However, with treatment, symptoms are often better controlled. Managing depressive symptoms require the right combination of medication and treatment. If treatment does not work, consult your healthcare provider. They can help you change treatment plans to better help you control your condition.

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